Stress-free voting experience in May

Kerrville’s citywide elections are held every May with voting at a single location — the Cailloux Theater lobby in downtown Kerrville. In recent years, candidates and their supporters routinely set up tents and signage near the entrance to the polling place, causing anxiety and consternation for some voters who simply want to cast their ballot and leave without being accosted. In 2018, there was even a reported incident of a husband of a candidate harassing women and children.

To try and provide voters with the most stress-free voting experience possible, in 2023, the Kerrville City Council passed Ordinance No. 2023-20, which effectively removed the candidate/supporter tents from the front of the building and relegated them to the back of the parking lot. Other restrictions were also enacted, including limiting the number and type of signs that can be placed outside the polling place.

These changes were generally applauded and welcomed, but not everyone was in favor of these improvements. Councilman Roman Garcia voted against the ordinance. In fact, he was the ONLY councilmember to vote against it. (Source:

The restricted area is shown in blue highlight on the map below. No tents will be allowed in this area, giving voters free passage from the parking lot into the voting center.